Baklava éttermek Temuco városában
Mutasd éttermet a térképen

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Város: Temuco, Porvenir 894, Temuco, Araucanía, Chile
"Una delicia cada plato y postre, además el lugar es tan hermoso que es un festín para los sentidos. Un sitio como este falta en Temuco. ¡Felicitacione..."
Ezek az értékelések csak a megemlített hozzávalókra vonatkoznak.
This was definitely an easy-to-prepare dessertI used a 7x11 baking dish and so a single phyllo sheet folded in half fit perfectly (adjust baking time to 35-40 mins).
I have made this recipe last week and my friends loved itI made it again today but added shredded cooked jackfruit in the second layer in between the first and last layers.
I made it as shown in the recipe but added as tsp of lemon juice to the syrup. Turned out great.