Kávé éttermek Sacheon-si városában
Mutasd éttermet a térképen

Keress egy várost
Város: Sacheon-si, 449-1번지 Songpo-dong, Sacheon-si, South Korea, Korea, Republic of
"Sigh. Price per person: ₩40,000–50,000"
Város: Sacheon-si, 331 Baekcheon-gil, Baekcheon-dong, Sacheon-si, South Korea, Korea, Republic of
"Gibbon Watching Point Food: 3 Service: 3 Atmosphere: 4"
Város: Sacheon-si, 141-8 Seogeum-dong, Sacheon-si, South Korea, Korea, Republic of
"Food: 5 Service: 3 Atmosphere: 4"
Város: Sacheon-si, 41 주공로, Sacheon-si, 52551, Korea, Korea, Republic of
"It's such a nice place to eat out with the wife"
Város: Sacheon-si, 41-1 Seongu-dong, Sacheon-si, South Korea, Korea, Republic of
"Food: 5 Service: 4 Atmosphere: 4"
Az átlagos ár egy Kávé esetén:
905 Ft
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