Cappuccino éttermek Parade városában
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Város: Parade, Deken Van Oppensingel 6, Venlo, Netherlands, Parade
"Erg slechte tent. Het duurde een half uur voordat we alleen al drankjes kregen. De sfeer is iets beter maar nog steeds slecht. Er werd niet eens gevra..."

Az átlagos ár egy Cappuccino esetén:
1,537 Ft
Ezek az értékelések csak a megemlített hozzávalókra vonatkoznak.
Great recipeI only made a few changes for personal preference, not as a correctionI did double the crust, and I added 2 tbs of cocoa powder to deepen the chocolate.
Good thing it is low calorie not! Disgustingly devilishly rich and tastyWowPretty much went with the way it was written.
Fantastic recipe a 5 plusMade this a couple of times, the flavor, texture etc was perfect except the top cracked on every occasion.