Caprese Saláta éttermek Stone Ridge városában
Mutasd éttermet a térképen

Keress egy várost

Az átlagos ár egy Caprese Saláta esetén:
4,055 Ft

- Menny. 8 units (496g)

- Menny. 2 Balls (224g)

- Folyosó Produce Menny. 1 handful (3g)

Extra Szűz Olívaolaj
- Menny. 2 tablespoons (27g)

Balsamikus ecet
- Menny. 2 tablespoons (32g)
Ezek az értékelések csak a megemlített hozzávalókra vonatkoznak.
I made this exactly as the recipe called for. I love it and make it weekly. The mozzarella cheese gives it just the right zip.
Followed the recipe and added fresh avocado chunks. yum! My kids and hubby liked it. :) Now that I think about it, some black olives would have been good too.
I make Caprese all the timeI chop the tomatoes and the mozzarella and tear the basil so it's easier to have a forkful with all 3 ingredients.