Burgonya Chips éttermek Grand Bourg városában
Mutasd éttermet a térképen

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Város: Grand Bourg, Paso De Uspallata 1420, Grand Bourg, Argentina
"Comida: 5/5 servicio: 5/5 ambiente: 5/5Más"

Az átlagos ár egy Burgonya Chips esetén:
979 Ft
Ezek az értékelések csak a megemlített hozzávalókra vonatkoznak.
This recipe was very easy to followThe only problem I had was the thickness after making the recommended cutsI ended cutting lengthwise for thinner and crisper chips.
This is a delicious, quick and easy bread to make. It is great for dipping into hummus, but also to serve with chicken salad . I did not gave chervil so I used basil and it was wonderful.
worked great. baked in toaster oven