Gyömbérsör éttermek Piqua városában
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Város: Piqua, 980 E Ash St, Piqua, OH 45356, USA, United States
"Spend the extra time to drive here, skip Miller Lane Store, the food was served piping hot. Super customer service!"

Az átlagos ár egy Gyömbérsör esetén:
1,066 Ft
Ezek az értékelések csak a megemlített hozzávalókra vonatkoznak.
1. I bought a ceramic ginger grater, and it made this so much easier to make.
One might try adding a chemical to STOP the fermentation after it is doneI left a sealed bottle in the basement (luckily) and it explodedIt shattered a glass gallon jug sitting next to it.
I am still cleaning it off the floor, walls, and ceiling of my kitchenI followed the directions to the letter but when I opened the bottle it exploded EVERYWHERE.