Hamburger éttermek Coventry városában
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Város: Coventry, S.S., 18, Località Camarelle, Nocera Superiore I-84106, Italia, Coventry, Italy
"Comodissimo arrivare con auto. Molto frequentato. Veloci. Hanno tavoli anche al esterno con le giostre. McDrive. Parcheggio aggiuntivo sopra. Non cons..."

Az átlagos ár egy Hamburger esetén:
2,326 Ft
Ezek az értékelések csak a megemlített hozzávalókra vonatkoznak.
This is delicious just the way it is writtenI made it but did not have green pepper so I omitted it, but it was still excellentI made it for company so I kept the recipe as written.
I used ground turkey instead of ground beefI added a little brown sugar to cut the acidity of the tomatoesI also added mushrooms and olives.
Added 2 minced Thai chili peppers, 1/4 cup red wine and 1 tbsp brown sugar. We really liked it and will make it again.