Fagylalt éttermek Chāpar városában
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Város: Chāpar, 7CCV+3JG, NH 17, Chapar, Assam 783371, India, Chāpar
"Fresh sweets made from fresh milk... Best tea in chapar"

Az átlagos ár egy Fagylalt esetén:
1,595 Ft
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This is AMAZING! I did cut the sugar to 3/4cup and added crushed Heath Bar bits. Everyone loved it...a new fav!
verrrrrry good!!!!!! Made the salted caramel recipe on this web site. And used instant expresso. Next time I may double the expresso.
This deserves more than 5 starsIt is heavenlyI have always loved coffee ice creamI used to buy Stroh's coffee ice cream I think this is much better and so easy to make.