Fagylalt éttermek Rees városában
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Város: Rees, Dellstraße 4, 46459, Rees, Germany
"Das Einscafe Corsaro ist das am längste bestehende Eiscafe in Rees und hat daher seine Stammgäste. Direkt an der Hauptstraße des kleinen Städtchens ge..."

Az átlagos ár egy Fagylalt esetén:
1,595 Ft
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This is AMAZING! I did cut the sugar to 3/4cup and added crushed Heath Bar bits. Everyone loved it...a new fav!
verrrrrry good!!!!!! Made the salted caramel recipe on this web site. And used instant expresso. Next time I may double the expresso.
This deserves more than 5 starsIt is heavenlyI have always loved coffee ice creamI used to buy Stroh's coffee ice cream I think this is much better and so easy to make.