Lazac éttermek Edling városában
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Város: Edling, Schächinger Straße 8, 83533 Edling, Deutschland, Germany
"Der Weg aus München hat sich gelohnt. Der Waller war perfekt zubereitet mit aromatischen Kräutern in einer traumhaften Soße, dazu Petersilienkartoffel..."

Az átlagos ár egy Lazac esetén:
3,871 Ft
Ezek az értékelések csak a megemlített hozzávalókra vonatkoznak.
Hello! I recooked your recipe and it was very delicious! I took fresh salmon and dried noodles. next time I try to think of a photo. thanks for the great recipe! lg aurora
hallo, the band noodles with spinach and salmon have tasted good. I made the soda a little more somming. many thanks for the recipe! lg, estefania
hallo, very tasty, I had everything fresh as described. the laughter has doubled, I had brew and white wine as a sauce. I took classic flour sweat (from the pack) until I liked the consistency. almost as described. top 5 points lg adelechen