Eper Lassi éttermek Dharmanagar városában
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Város: Dharmanagar, Kalibari Rd, Opposite KC Jewellers, Dharmanagar, India
"Okay Food: 3 Service: 4 Atmosphere: 3"

Az átlagos ár egy Eper Lassi esetén:
1,384 Ft
Ezek az értékelések csak a megemlített hozzávalókra vonatkoznak.
Strawberries from my California garden.....supremely good. Made just as directed although hubby wanted additional sugar.
I have been making this for a couple weeks now (since I got my daughter a smoothie machine) and didn't realize it! I use 1 tablespoon of sugar, and aside from that one change I do pretty much b
I really like this lassiI subbed 2 pkts of Splenda for the sugar and used Greek yogurtI used frozen strawberries, so I omitted the iceIt was refreshing and light.