Gomba Szósz éttermek Cayce városában
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Város: Cayce, 920 Axtell Drive, Cayce, 29033, United States Of America
Szendvicsek, Pakolások

Az átlagos ár egy Gomba Szósz esetén:
2,173 Ft
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Followed direction to a T, it's excellent. In the past with no sherry I just used a squirt of red wine vinnegar, but go easy and add to taste..... it's pretty strong, thus easy to put in too much
Excellent as-is, or tweak it for your own tasteI like to use some dried mushrooms with the fresh, and use the (strained) water from the reconstitution with the chicken broth.
This was so delicious I can't wait to make it again for family and friendsI did substitute 3/4 cup cream and 1/4 cup milk for the half and half.