Kagyló éttermek Chukai városában
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Város: Chukai, No. 1 Gerai Pelbagai Geliga,, Geliga, 24000 Chukai, Terengganu, Malaysia
"Pros: 1) We requested for Teh O nipis kurang manis and they turned out perfectly. 2) the mud crab were still alive and crawling for us to select and t..."

Az átlagos ár egy Kagyló esetén:
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The best (not to mention the simplest) Thai mussel recipe we've tried - rave reviews. Not hot, though, if you wan some heat, I suggest mincing 2 hot Thai chili peppers.
Loved it. Would it change a thing.
Great recipe. I added lemon grass & used about 5x red curry paste since we like stuff spicy!