Saláta éttermek Bata városában
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Város: Bata, Unnamed Rd, Bata, Bulgaria, 8218
"I highly recommend, very good, you just need to spice it up. The two of us couldn't eat it all. Large portions for an affordable price. For everything..."

Az átlagos ár egy Saláta esetén:
2,863 Ft
Ezek az értékelések csak a megemlített hozzávalókra vonatkoznak.
I loved this and so did my dinner party! I made it exactly except substituted honey for sugar in the dressing and did the pecans with maple syrup they were unbelievable.
This is my go to salad! I love it, and it always gets rave reviews.
Absolutely FANTASTIC! I LOVED everything about this salad from the candied pecans to the pears and blue cheese to the dressingEVERYTHING! I used Dijon mustard and I thought that was a nice ch