Fésűkagyló éttermek Sharon városában
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Város: Sharon, 12 Forker Blvd, Sharon, 16146-3604, United States Of America
"NOTE: THE ADDRESS INFO IS INCORRECT. Tom Terrific here with another honest restaurant review. My thanks to the Tampa Bay Times for their request for a..."

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19,732 Ft
Ezek az értékelések csak a megemlített hozzávalókra vonatkoznak.
Loved this recipeI'm reviewing because I didn't see any reviews that said that they used large sea scallops, as opposed to the small bay scallops, which is what I did.
This was a dreadful recipeI am confused about why this was rated so highlyI have cooked scallops many times and this was very disappointing.
5 stars every time I make this recipe. Delicious, easy to make and delicious...did I mention that already?