Tiramisu éttermek Copacabana városában
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Város: Copacabana, Av. 6 De Agosto, Copacabana I-, Bolivia, Bolivia, Plurinational State of
"Una lasaña de Trucha espectacular Los dueños son muy amables, me sentía un poco resfriada esa noche y me prepararon un té con Limón y miel a pesar de..."

Az átlagos ár egy Tiramisu esetén:
2,454 Ft
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Yoghurt-Tiramisu with chocolate cookies Yoghurt-Tiramisu with chocolate cookies, taste this delicious recipe, tiramisu are served in individual dishes, it is a simple and tasty recipe.
tiramisu with coffee cake
tiramisu with coffee cake in this recipe is covered with coffee. they can prepare the whole portion or individual portions. delicious!