Pirítós éttermek Mairiporã városában
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Város: Mairiporã, Av. José Giasenella, 500 Sala 01, Mairiporã I-07619-658, Brasil, Brazil
"Gostei muito. Da entrada nós encomendamos ou misturamos as empanadas, que são quatro. Carne, queijo, frango e calabresa. Não tinha um de queijo e troc..."

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I was a bit leary of this with it having flour in the recipeI tried it anywayI used my homemade sourdough bread for this and and grated a little fresh nutmeg in the batter.
I was in charge of feeding a crowd of almost 200 people for breakfast, and the main course was French Toast.
The only change I made was that I added nutmeg and I mixed all the dry ingredients before combining with the wetThis recipe is perfect as is, best French toast I have ever made.