Tonhal éttermek El Tule városában
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Város: El Tule, Poniente 359, Ciudad Guzmán, Mexico, El Tule
"Les ayudaría mucho tener un menú con fotos, aunque fuera digital. No me gustó que nos atendieron 3 meseros diferentes, ya que 3 veces nos preguntaron..."

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Deliciousa!!!! I had caught some blue fin tuna in the deep water of Nigeria I followed the recipe and added ingredients to it..
As others stated this is a really good marinadeI also marinated for 2 hours total, 1 1/2 in the refrigerator and another 30 minutes on the counter before putting it on the grill.
Had some fresh caught blue fin tuna given to meNever grilled tuna beforeMarinated for 3 1/2hrsUsed fresh squeezed lemon juiceNext time will cut that in half.