Tzatziki éttermek Syke városában
Mutasd éttermet a térképen

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Város: Syke, Hauptstraße 59, 28857, Syke, Germany
Kültéri ülőhelyek, Kerekesszék, Elvihető, Visa kártya

Az átlagos ár egy Tzatziki esetén:
2,045 Ft
Ezek az értékelések csak a megemlített hozzávalókra vonatkoznak.
so and no other tzatziki is made – I have also been able to learn this in a restaurant kitchen on kos itself handsomely. the Greek yogurt! all the other is crisp. Since then, no other milk products are coming into my bowl. in the difference to this r...
többdo not remove the skin of the gurke, but rasp them throughout so the vitamins remain completely preserved
I make the cores out of the gurke before they continue to process, then it tastes more intensely after gurke and does not water, and I give a few small fresh majoran to it.