Autód számára is vannak parkolók, a legközelebbi parkoló a De l'Office du Tourisme, amely 108 méterre van a(z) Le Tempo-tól Pra Loup-ben.
Amint lesz Le Tempo étel- és itallapja Pra Loup-ből, itt megosztjuk. Addig is nézd meg szívesen a közeli étlapokat.
We discovered this station this year and we are conquered. A family station where we randoed. I...
A fourth year of rent on pra werewolf and another week up. Despite the lack of snow this year,...
Beautiful ski resort with beautiful snowshoe hikes. Full ski area. Summit of more than 2500 met...
Top in this period. The track maintenance team allowed us to enjoy the pure pleasure of skiing!
Very nice mountain resort of the Alpes de haute Provence nestled between 1500 and 1600m. There...