Csirke Curry éttermek Hickory Hills városában
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Város: Hickory Hills, 9348 S Roberts Rd, Hickory Hills I-60457-2111, United States
"We found this place that eaten ice cream, but when we found out about Indian food, we had to try. Wow, amazing! It is fresh and seasoned so that your..."

Az átlagos ár egy Csirke Curry esetén:
4,020 Ft

- Folyosó Spices and Seasonings Menny. 4 tablespoons (25g)

Barna basmati rizs
- Menny. 2 cups (370g)

- Menny. 1 Cube (5g)
Ezek az értékelések csak a megemlített hozzávalókra vonatkoznak.
This is actually less involved than you'd thinkI didn't have tomato sauce, so I took 1 can of paste and added that to 1 cup of hot water.
So I bought the ingredients for a different Masala recipe, then accidentally pulled up this recipe and started making itHalf way through making it I realized what I did.
Just exceptionalI add more cayenne for heat and sprinkle about a teaspoon of garam masala over the chicken as its cooking, along with the suggested curry powder.