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Írjon visszajelzéstFriendly. Key sandwiches and croques. Bullshit case. Too bad there was no ice and lemon in the iced tea.
This time, their hot sandwiches ate,
Two fresh drinks on the terrace. Too bad there wasn't a clone of ice and a piece of lemon. It was karig.
(Traduit par Google) Service amical, bonne nourriture et endroit confortable... avec wifi gratuit et aire de jeux pour enfants, petite etárée rée réréfée ée réréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréré t é é é é é é és é é é é é é é é
A small and large breakfast with supplement egg and bacon. Different preparations were offered for the egg. Breakfast was served with coffee or tea, charcuterie and sweets. Was very good, certainly enough to start the day. Friendly service and a parking lot across the street. Fun terrace as well as the option to eat in the nice room. Here we come again.
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