Írjon visszajelzéstThe food was excellent, the atmosphere was pleasant, and the service was great.
Reasonable price, flavorful curry sauce, complimentary barley tea and side dishes available in the restaurant. The pickled radish side dish is of high quality. Overall, the meal is satisfying and just the right amount to make you feel comfortably full. It was a pleasant dining experience.
Reliable, size is okay, but the place is small and so. Recommended! You can add more rice for free. also has free drink!
The food and prices are average. The vegetable okonomiyaki is quite tasty! The curry okonomiyaki and baked potatoes are just okay. The tamago don is decent.
經常路過見過,就是不曾來吃過。上午帶租客看完自己房子後,離這兒挺近的,嘗試極屋牛丼看看唄!保守點不太貴嚐嚐,點經典牛丼120元。窗口旁設一個機器自助點餐機,頁面會秀出每種丼飯圖片好讓客人選擇,蠻便利性。 帶回事務所用膳,打開經典牛丼看了好失望喔!超級陽春感,雖然有附一小盒小菜(毛豆/百香果醃木瓜片)及小小碗海帶芽清湯,牛肉片超極薄且多筋,壽司醬調的不好,感覺像似吃泡飯的感覺,如此一份丼飯個人覺得毫無CP值可言,打入冷宮。 感謝店家當天立即回覆說明。不管是壽喜醬或壽司醬,個人均統稱為「壽司醬汁」,這道「經典牛丼」店家在餐點上並未加說明料理方式是「壽喜醬燒」,這醬汁比例也不對,壽喜醬汁要有:柴魚醬汁、味醂、醬油,貴店壽喜醬汁吃不出層次感,僅有微淡味醂口感,絲毫感受不到柴魚甘香味。至於本人形容如吃泡飯概念,乃這份餐食米飯很少,將壽喜燒醬汁倒入飯中,立即有泡飯視覺(過多),要慢慢一直拌好讓米飯去吸醬汁,吃起來口感單調,牛肉質地也不好,發自內心真心話,不是惡意貶損。本人對料理十分講究,也非常愛料理,對各地「美食」會很用心去品味。喜歡去訪視中平價商店,食後做個人觀點評論,好讓上班族或學生有多樣選擇性,當然也提供給網友作參考。