HozzájárulásFoglaljon most
Írjon visszajelzéstExcellent bistro, friendly service, lunch menu during the week is always a stretch for the eye and a party for the taste buds. In short, the PLAZA is the place to be... Whoever doesn't know it must definitely try.
This afternoon, a nice spaghetti ate. Very friendly staff. Come back, definitely!
Mother's Day breakfast was Top everything more than enough and a lot of choice super
Super friendly service, with very tasty coctails and very good food.
(Traduit Par Google) Très bon accumil et gens très sympathiques la nourriture était dances udre impeccable fortréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréréré Very good reception and very kind people the food was tip-off in order for everyone.
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